Web Profits

1001 Newbie
Friendly Tips

101 High Profit Businesses YOU can start online with little or NO money

Internet Cash Machines
Shows you how to automate sales and checks to your account once it's setup


Email Marketing Strategies Revealed


eBay Marketing Secrets


Auto Responder Magic


Selfpublish at the Speed of Thought  


Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan


A Cheap And Easy Guide To Self-publishing eBooks 


The Ultimate eLibrary



Web Profits 4U

Web Marketing Promotion and Sales 
eBooks and Programs

  1. Selfpublish at the Speed of Thought 
    Learn how to self-publish your thoughts and your eBooks with the best selling eBook author and self-publisher  $4.95
  2. A Cheap And Easy Guide To Self-publishing eBooks 
    A complete guide that teaches step by step instruction on how to publish your eBooks  $4.95
  3. Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan 
    A detailed daily eBook Marketing Plan designed for a period of four weeks to help you to market your eBooks on-line  $4.95
  4. eBay Marketing 2001
    Easily Make $1000's Per Month Selling On Ebay  $12.95
  5. Classified Ad Secrets 2001 
    A single well-written classified ad can generate hundreds of thousands in sales, but only cost you pennies to run  $4.95
  6. Credit Secrets 2001  
    If you or someone you know has had credit problems in the past - no matter how bad, this information is vital $4.95
  7. Wholesale Sources 2001
    Save up to 90% on over ONE MILLION top quality brand-name products $4.95
  8. Living off The Net 
    If you want to give up your job and live full time off the Internet, you can. Not just a collection of opportunities  $12.95

  9. Working with ClickBank
    Step-by-step instructions on how to set up everything you need to work with ClickBank where you can setup your product to sell with credit cards and with a built in affiliate system  $3.95
  10. Million Dollar Emails
    The Secrets Behind The Nets Most Successful Email Campaigns  $12.95
  11. Professional eBook Cover Tutorial Kit
    A step by step tutorial guide to help you in creating your own eBook Covers with in 30mins or less and over 25 cover templates  $12.95
  12. Internet Cash Machines
    Shows you how to automate sales and checks to your account once it's setup. With resale rights  $14.97

  13. Email Marketing Strategies Revealed 
    The best marketing technique. Why using this technique may very well be the best thing that ever happened to your business  $19.95

  14. 1001 Newbie Friendly Tips
    If you've only been thinking of starting up an internet business, what better way to begin than with these practical and proven methods. You will soon be off to a great start   $12.95

  15. Auto Responder Magic 
    A resource that can put your website on autopilot. A massive collection of autoresponder messages to copy and use. With resale rights  $4.95
  16. eBay Marketing Secrets 
    Everything on how to get started, where to get products, marketing strategies and what to do at the close of each auction.  Which days are best, which times are best and which categories are best plus much much more  $9.95
  17. The Internet Marketers Secret Guide
    The Best Resources! Only the quality resources have been hand picked and included in this eBook  $9.95
  18. InterNETACTIVE
    Provides links to the Internet where you can advertise and promote your products services for free $12.95
  19. iNet Success
    THE Internet Marketing eBOOK for information on Ad copy, Affiliate programs, Autoresponders, Awards, Banners, Banner exchanges, Chat, Classified Ads, Communities, Discussion boards, Email discussion lists of your own, Fast-loading pages, Free stuff on our site, Guestbooks, Links, Maintenance of the website, Newsgroups for publicity, Online services, Payment systems, Publicity etc. $12.95
  20. eBook Cover Templates 
    More than 120 eBook cover and Software box templates ready for you to add wording and graphics  $3.95
  21. Cash Flow eBusiness 
    Covers the most fundamental principals of promoting any business , product or service successfully on or off the Net  $12.95
  22. The Complete Guide to Building Your Own Web Site
    You learn most of the skills and terminology necessary to get your site built and loaded ready for the world to view  $7.95
  23. Free eZine Ad System
    Place Hundreds of Free Ads Today $12.95
  24. PayPerClick Commando
    How to get website traffic for pennies. Get this today and you can resell this eBook to others  $9.95
  25. Millionaire Marketing
    Proven, Expert Direct Response Tips & Techniques that internet gurus spill their marketing guts for you and you can resell this eBook to others $11.95
  26. The Ultimate eLibrary 
    With this one resellable package you'll get access to more than 6,000 free ebooks, reports, software, services and many other internet resources  $14.95 
  27. (The packages below are part of the Ultimate eLibrary - for only a few dollars more you can get them all here)
    20 Volume eBusiness Encyclopedia Set
    We've got the complete list of reports contained in the 20 Volume E-Business Encyclopedia Set, a collection of digital electronic manuals. There are over 1,000 articles in the set which is only $9.95 - or volumes can be individually bought for only $2.95 each.
    650 Reports 
    All of these packages can be resold by you. Reports on Business, Consumer, Mail Order, Computer, Health Related and Reference plus Well Known Books, Historical Stuff, Legal Forms and Using TV. All these reports are contained in one complete package for only $8.95 - or the packages can be individually bought for only $2.95 each
    Infodisk 500
    Selling information is one of the most established and most powerful businesses in our information society. You can resell the software or single reports  $8.95
    Info-By-Mail Business + Reports-On-Disk 
    This software contains 177 business and personal information reports $8.95
    167 Plus Business and Financial Reports
    Reports and guides  on all kinds of interesting topics $8.95
    Cash Flow Reporter Mail Order series
    Contains 100 Mail order reports, guides, and resources $8.95
    Cash Flow Reporter How to series
    Contains 100 how to reports, guides, and resources covering a wide variety of topics, interests, and subjects $8.95
    The New Millennium Guide To Wholesale Sources
    If you're looking for products to sell on the online auctions or from your web site, finding good wholesale sources is always a challenge $3.95
    Internet Detective 5.0
    Learn everything about your friends, neighbors, enemies, employees, co-workers, even your boss, even yourself! $8.95
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    Increase Your Financial Net Worth. Retire In 3 Years. Retire Financially Healthy $3.95
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    Everyone today is trying to get rich from online auctions $3.95
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    Pay-Per-Click Search Engines Exposed - More Sales With Pay-Per-Click Search Engines  $1.95
    Power Promote - Tips Every Webmaster Should Know  $1.95
    A Healthier You - You'll learn about fats, the right way to loss weight, alcohol & society, how to stop smoking and more  $1.95
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    The MLM Primer - 15 Multilevel marketing reports $1.95
    Secrets Schemes and Discoveries - 48 reports  $1.95
    Protect Yourself Family and Valuables - Are you protected  $1.95
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    How would you like to buy all 26 packages above for one single payment of only $49.95 - Yes you can. Plus you get to resell this package to others.
    Uh huh, you can resell this package to as many people as you like without any added payment to anyone - what a deal ! And, there are also 26 other ebooks which you get free to giveaway to others. Plus a few others free bonuses. Plus free updates to this package.

Other eBooks and Programs

  1. Traffic Virus 3.0
    Generate Traffic at Your Website by using the automated submission tools in the Traffic Virus submission wizard and by launching your own Viral Advertising campaign with your customized version of Traffic Virus to sell or give away as a traffic generator  $4.95
  2. Web Page Starter Kit
    A step by step presentation of HTML codes which builds to a web page template you can use virtually forever  $1.95


Host your website and get a $10 per month rebate plus earn $10 a month for each site sold to others.
The monthly cost is only $24.95, which gives you 300 meg of space and free eBooks you can resell like E-Mail Marketing Strategies Revealed, eBay Marketing Secrets plus Internet Cash Machines. Also, if you sell a hosting site to anyone else, you get a $10 per month referral fee. These benefits make it easy to get your web site at no cost, or even a profit. Don't worry, you sell a lot of stuff on your own site with 300 megs of space.