The Best of Offshore ReportsIn a global financial marketplace, the only boundaries you should consider is the competitive advantage you are getting. Gone are the days when your only choice of bank is the one down the street because it’s closest to home. Today, you canbank anywhere - any city, any state, and country. The question you should only answer is. WHO’LL GIVE YOU MORE MONEY FOR YOUR MONEY? In putting together this eBook, we reviewed several royalty-free reports and booklets on the subject of Offshore financial opportunities. In our research, our editorial staff acquired copies of Offshore Packages available, to find what types of available services we could review. Some of the service packages we received offered financial services that we deemed too risky to even feature in this eBook. Some of the reports we reviewed were nothing but a sales pitch for what our consultants called "halloween schemes" because they were simply scary. Offshore banking offers a tremendous amount of real opportunities for the prudent investor. On the other hand, however, a gung-ho attitude towards money will bring you nowhere, either offshore or domestically. The materials you will find in this eBook are articles prepared by our inhouse editorial staff, and where applicable, feature pointers from reports with our own materials to provide you updated information. Our staff has been very cautious in presenting information on banking and asset protection arrangements and what information they determined could or could NOT be disclosed. Once you have thoroughly studied the reports contained in this eBook, you will understand and be in a position to exercise financial planning that has always been available only to the RICH. LIST OF BANKING CENTERS WORLDWIDE This eBook provides you a list of Banking Centers abroad that are used by Americans who bank abroad. Although there are approximately fifty countries around the world that position themselves as offshore financial banking centers, only a few of these offshore "havens" are convenient to use or deal with. Banks in countries that are remote or lack adequate support facilities may present certain hassels that are best avoided. Some countries have flaws in their banking or tax laws that could affect your privacy or your ability to maximize your profits. The list presented on the last section of this eBook offers you the opportunity to shop for a foreign bank that can offer you the best deal for your money. OPENING AN OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNT This section will discuss the top 3 advantages for opening on Offshore Bank Account.
TYPES OF OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS This section will discuss the 5 types of Offshore Bank Accounts.
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