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The Only Sure Way To Make Your Mail Order Fortune

There have been millions of words written on the subject of mail

order, and millions more are sure to follow. Most books, courses

and magazine articles tell you how others have made it big in

mail order, citing several examples to encourage the newcomer,

but very few get right down to the bare bones of telling you HOW

they did it.

A lot has been said for the drop ship method of selling mail,

which certainly does have a lot of merit..to a point. With this

method, you merely advertise what you have to sell, take orders,

deduct the amount allowed as your commission by the supplier,

forward the balance to them and they fill your order directly to

your customer. By using this selling method, you can

(theoretically) offer a million dollars worth of merchandise thru

ads, circulars, brochures and catalogs..yet never carry a single

product on your shelves.

BUT... what the experts don't tell you is this: the high cost of

advertising, printing and postage needed to reach your potential

market will be enormous, and it will ultimately eat away any

major profits that you might otherwise enjoy.

The commission usually allowed on a drop ship basis is about 50%

of the retail price, sometimes only 40%...and on a few occasions

only 20 to 33%. To operate profitably in mail order you will need

a minimum of 50% but 60% would be better, and if you expect to

get into high income bracket, you'll have to see about 90% profit

per sale.

How in the world can you make 90% profit on every dollar you take


By being the originator...the manufacturer, publisher,creator or

PRIME SOURCE for whatever you are selling. These are the people

who are making the major portion of profits in mail order. You

can be on of them.

It's not as difficult as you might think. First of all, we're not

talking about establishing a multi-million dollar manufacturing

plant employing a few hundred people. Nor are we talking about a

publishing house that prints volumes of books on huge printing

presses. You can become a mini-publisher or manufacturer on a

very small scale, yet with the capacity of turning out as much

product as you can sell.



Answer these questions honestly:

What would you like to sell? Who would you like to sell it to?

Who are these people and how can you reach them? Are you sure

they will be interested in what you have to offer? Will they pay

the price you will be asking?

These are a few questions you'll have to answer before going any


They represent--

Your proposed line


The potential market and their general location

Advertising media necessary to tell your message


The income level or lifestyle of your potential customers


Select something you are interested in, something you know. Think

simple, not something complex that requires an engineering degree

to design, and stay away from the medical field. This includes

diet plans, energizers, vitamins, etc. These can really cause

problems from authorities for those who are not qualified.

Follow the KIS principle: Keep It Simple.

Turn to your own hobbies, interests and activities. Are you handy

with a needle and thread or a whiz on a sewing machine? Are you

artistically inclined with a pen, ink, oils or watercolors? What

about embroidery? Have you studied Caligraphy? Are you a genius

at a computer? Handy in your basement workshop? Have a flair for

writing? These are all potential money makers that can be the

nucleus of a product line.

Let's turn to the workshop. Have you made things for yourself or

for friends out of wood, ceramics, other materials? If so, you

may have a product line.

Is there something in your career or profession that can be

transformed into a saleable product? Does your hobby or spare

time activity lend itself to a production product idea? There

must surely be something that fits your personality, your skills,

background, education or lifestyle. Only you can determine what

it is. The next step--


It's not enough merely to be able to make something. It should be

something that nobody else is offering to the public. It doesn't

have to be totally unique, but it should incorporate some

characteristic to distinguish it from the competition , such as

an ordinary ashtray with a personalized monogram. Or, unique

floral arrangements made from wood shavings, painted and glazed.

Whatever it is, it should be something that you can turn out in a

matter of seconds or just a few minutes to keep costs low. Of

course, if it is truly a work of art, this can bring a higher



Only YOU can answer this question, but here are a few ideas to

get your thinking.

Two teenage boys enjoyed making wind chimes as a hobby. They made

them out of aluminum tubing in a variety of sizes to produce

different sounds. Family and friends admired their handiwork, so

they tried selling them to make a few extra dollars. they made

only about 10 or 12 a week at first, then sales began to

increase. In 1988 sales produced half a million dollars.

Remember: it began as a hobby.

A woman in Pennsylvania was interested in wood crafts, and began

making wooden toys and crafts in her basements. This was the

beginning of a new part time career. She plans to retire from her

regular job and devote full time to her newly formed wood

crafting business where she can really make some money.

A fellow in California enjoyed making home made wine. Everyone

enjoyed it, so he got an idea. He began bottling his special wine

and had his own private labels printed and put them on each

bottle that he produced. He now has his own little wine shop that

has made him independently wealthy.


What's the common denominator among these people? Each of them

began with something they were interested in, a hobby that they

enjoyed, they turned it into a profitable business...one in which

THEY were the producer, the prime source for their own products.

Got an idea for a new product, an invention of your own, but

don't know where to go with it? The United States Department of

Commerce Patent and Trademark Office offers these publications:

General Information Concerning Patents and Inventions; An

Informal Aid for Inventors, and Questions and Answers About

Patents. Their address: Washington, DC 20231.

Other helpful books:


Simonson. $4.95 from Pilot Books, 103 Copper St.,Babylon, NY


THAT'S A GREAT IDEA by Tony Husch and Linda Foust. $9.95 from

Gravity Publishing, 6116 Mercer, Suite 233A, Oakland, CA 94611.

IDEAS INTO DOLLARS from U.S. Small Business Administration, 1441

L Street N.W., Washington, DC 20416.



Keep your eyes on those three important elements.

You'll want a quality product, something you will be proud to

offer buyers. It must be relatively easy to make, requiring only

a matter of seconds or minutes of your time. You should be able

to produce each unit for about 10% of the retail price. A $10

retail item should cost you $1 (or less) to produce.


Should you come up with a winner, will you be able to turn out

enough products to meet the demand?--And still keep costs low?

Think these questions through before going to far.

Use everything at your command: Your workshop, tools,

typewriters, computer, word processor, sewing machine...and your



Many mail order millionaires owe their success to the printed

word, and have achieved great wealth by writing and

self-publishing books, manuals, reports, directories and

newsletters. If you have a flair for writing, now's the time to

make that talent or experience pay off. Put your words into print

and become a self-published author of your own material. A

helpful book on this subject is "A Million For Your Thoughts,"

available for $12 from J.S. Caverly, 216 McLean Street, Wilkes

Barre, PA 18702.


Consider the wholesale field. You could eventually have several

hundred other mail order dealers selling for you from

coast-to-coast. If you decide to take this route, you'll need a

special ad to attract dealers...plus two sets of sales

literature: one to sell the dealer...the second to sell the



The advertising to attract the consumer will use benefit-laden

copy. The ultimate buyer wants to know what the product will do

for him: if it will make him happier, healthier, sexier,

wealthier, more popular, etc.

Prospective dealers, on the other hand, are more interested in

PROFIT! Thus, your advertising, should stress how much money the

dealer can make when he sells your products, using percentage

figures and actual dollars per sale. Although a smart and

conscientious dealer should also be concerned with the quality of

the product he will be selling, and the benefits his customers

will receive, his main concern lies in the ease of making each

sale and the ultimate profits he can expect from each customer.

Whether you sell retail or wholesale, you can put yourself into

the high profit class of mail order by being producer...the

manufacturer, publisher or prime source for the merchandise you


You can make money by selling merchandise produced by others, but

being the prime source is the only SURE way to make your mail

order fortune!

Host your website and get a $10 per month rebate plus earn $10 a month for each site sold to others.
The monthly cost is only $24.95, which gives you 300 meg of space and free eBooks you can resell like E-Mail Marketing Strategies Revealed, eBay Marketing Secrets plus Internet Cash Machines. Also, if you sell a hosting site to anyone else, you get a $10 per month referral fee. These benefits make it easy to get your web site at no cost, or even a profit. Don't worry, you sell a lot of stuff on your own site with 300 megs of space.