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How To Write General Articles

Let the readers know what is in store for them by the " blaze" in

your first paragraph of an article. There are two kinds of

articles; those which cover things in general and can be

published at most any time, and current events. The best place to

start with these kinds of articles is the local newspaper with a

goal of syndication to many other media.

In order for acceptance by the editor there must be a local twist

of personal interest to the readers. The unusual and odd things

about people and their vocation and gives the reader a departure

from the daily drudgery are the best and most salable articles

to write about. This includes adventure,mystery, murder, money,

accidents, discoveries, economy, history, illness, jail,

jealousy, obsessions, quacks, struggles, taxes, etc.

You must attract attention from the first words when writing

feature stories for a newspaper type publication. Where as a

novel or short story for a magazine builds to a climax and

generally clears up all the loose ends at completion

For a magazine article to sell to the publisher "action" in the

first and last part is a must, while the body copy is devoted to

narrative or explanations with a number of vital incidents to

keep the action alive. Keep the writing "flowing" in such a

manner the reader will anxiously read ahead to see what happens


When it is possible to do so without distorting the truth, add

some fiction to your life stories to keep them interesting and

alive! Submit 8x 10 glossy print photos if possible as often the

picture will be the difference between acceptance and rejection.

It will pay you to get a good camera so you can snap pictures to

go along with the articles.

When submitting your copy, put your name, address and phone

number at the upper left cover of the first page and total number

of words contained in the article on the upper right side. If

you are submitting an article to the newspaper a title will not

be necessary as the editor will usually determine after reviewing

the article.

Leave plenty of room at the top of the pages, use double spacing

and wide margins so there is plenty of space for editing. Number

the pages at the top. Preferable on the right hand side. Type

only on the front side of each page. Enclose a Stamped, self

addressed return envelope. Lay it out so your name always appears

with the article so that you will gain recognition as a writer.

There are millions of things to write about so you should never be

without ideas for your articles. To get the ideas all you need to

do is go through the dictionary and write about anything and

everything that comes to mind, based on the more practical words.


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