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How To Win Contests

Based on information published in national magazines and papers,

it is believed a minimum of somewhere near FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS

is given away each year in PRIZE CONTESTS. Is it any wonder

that smart people, men and women of all ages in about every walk

of life, are taking home these prizes? Some devote their full

time to solving contests for money (or prizes), usually of

extremely sizable amounts and value. Refer to about every

magazine you see, a large number of newspapers, about all TV and

Radio stations - to name a few - plus some publications which

are 100% CONTEST NEWS.

Many persons receive many times larger yearly total earnings

devoting their full time or a generous part of their spare time

to solving the CONTESTS which come to their attention. They do

it year after year as their ONLY occupation. Others like to try

their hand solving contests whenever they feel in the mood, but

do no have any regular time schedule to tie them down.

An article in the Wall Street Journal stated that many spare

time contest men and women receive over $600 year after year.

One article I read states that someone they knew had earned in

excess of $40,000 and had solved more than 2,000 contests for

prizes. Another item I read says some other contest solver won

over 80 different contests to receive over $25,000 within TWELVE


However, a study of winning CONTESTS proves for the most part

that it is not based on luck. Therefore, it is wise to find out

what the true fundamentals are before one starts. That way

alone, it is possible for one to compete with the others working

on the solution of the same contest. You'll find the necessary

(easy-to-understand and follow) instructions in this text.

A. Be sure that you carefully read the rules of each contest -

and understand before you start - that these rules must be

followed, in every particular, in order to win, or be one of the

top winners. Almost half of all contests entries are thrown

out, with hardly more than a single "glance" by the contest

headquarters, for the sole reason, that the sender did not

follow the clearly printed rules. It pays to be extremely

careful when working on any contest. Check and recheck it with

the rules before you mail it in.

B. Be sure your entry is as neatly presented as possible. This

is extremely important. Whenever possible typewrite your entry,

as this adds greatly to the neatness requirement. If you do not

have a typewriter or a friend who would type it for you, and you

are obliged to mail it in longhand, write neatly, and only with

a pen and ink - never with a lead pencil.

C. Mail your entry in a suitable large sized envelope, even if

you have to go to your nearest store to buy it.

D. If the contest requires a box top or label, coupon, etc.,

make sure that you do not forget to enclose it in the envelope.

(You may be surprised to learn that many do forget - so their

entry is discarded - even if in all other ways it is the best,

qualifying for the top prize money.)

You'll find that your chances for winning are multiplied ten

fold if you own or rent from a library the latest unabridged

dictionary as well as a copy of a thesaurus.

Some of the winners of the larger contests are strong in their

feeling that one should have a Rhyming Dictionary, an Almanac,

Atlas, and one of the many editions of a Crossword Puzzle

Dictionary. Most folks have a dictionary and encyclopedia.

Both are needed to properly enter most contests. Time and time

again, one or the other of the books will come up with the word

or answer your seek to solve the contest.

However, for folks just starting, and with limited money to

spend, you should confine yourself to the books named above

that you may now have and buy the others as you win smaller

contests and can afford to.

E. Visit your nearest (or best) public library and ask the

clerk to help you locate their various books, magazines, etc.,

relating to contests. Make notes on the winners of contests -

their style or entry - for your future thoughts and guidance.

Jot down in a notebook the things you want to remember or refer

to, or think you would be likely to want to consider at some

future date. It will most likely prove priceless to you much

more quickly than you think. It will help you to think of first

prize winning steps to take, etc.

F. An ever-increasing number of larger firms feel contests help

them put their items or offers in the right hands with the best

results. They therefore often start a new contest almost as

soon as their last one is completed. This is especially true in

contests where a wrapper, label or box top, bottle cap, etc. is

requested. This method is usually very successful in getting

more people to try their product than any other form of


G. Above all else, make a point of having your entry worded as

briefly as you can. Many contests even ask for an opinion

within an specified number of words. In other words, the

advertiser wants you to tell him briefly why you prefer his

product to any other


"Wheatne is preferred by me because it tastes better than any

other breakfast cereal, has less calories, sugar and other

fattening items, with a much higher food value."

"I buy ZOKA soap because it suds best in hard water, and pampers

one's skin. ZOKA keeps my complexion youthful looking as if I

had used the costly creams."

Always study the product completely and make notes on your scrap

pad of all the ways it pleases you, over competitive brands.

Make your story clean-cut with clearly understood "selling"

phrases. Be enthusiastic, but always sincere and truthful.

Whenever possible, tell about your personal results in using the


Don't be in a rush to mail the entry to the contest headquarters

firm - professionals put their first drafts to one side, then

refer to it "tomorrow" or the next day, rewriting it over and

over again (usually) until they feel it is their very best work.

Then, they mail it in. It pays and pays big to follow the

methods of the professionals.

Perhaps just about every entry sent in on any contest is "Point

Rated". If you checked your entry, before mailing it in,

comparing it to the 8-point method below, you could know in

advance if your entry has a far above average opportunity of

being one of the winners - perhaps even the top grand prize.

1. References to the accomplishments of the product or item.

2. Expression of thought, new ideas, originality.

3. Effective combination of words, sentences, etc.

4. Truthfulness - or is it believable.

5. Creativeness by fresh thoughts or comments

6. Briefness, easily understood by all.

7. Arouse thoughts, create emotions.

8. Make a sales-promoting image, text creates a "picture".

I think most folks would not need teaching on jingles or

limericks, where you are asked to insert the last line of a

poem. These are popular and much money could be made adding the

last line. The best method would be to almost memorize the

lines given to you first, then make your last line either

clever, or unusual, (or both). Your rhyming dictionary will be

of tremendous help in winning top prizes in this form of contest.

Picture and Number Puzzles are always popular. These contests

(in my opinion) do not need instructions beyond one's common

sense. The chief thing to remember is to carefully read the

rules and to follow the instructions of the advertiser. This

type of contest does require considerable time, thought and

study. Take your time. Go over all rules time and time again.

When you feel confident your entry is your best work, then and

only then mail it in. This kind of contest almost always seems

to wind up with a sizable number of tied contestants, requiring

another "run off" to decide the winner, and sometimes more than

one "run off". For this reason, it is not the most popular with

the professionals. Usually "beginners" try their hand at them.

Name contests are always popular - a manufacturer wants the

public to select a good name for one of his items, and offers a

sizable award for the entry he or his advertising agents regard

as the best of all. Remember to tie the sponsor's item or

product into your reply of the name you feel is best. Make it

catchy and easy to remember for the best possibility of being

the winner.

Guessing contests, as the name implies, are in my opinion, at

least 90% luck. Professionals rarely enter them. The idea is,

of course, to guess how many cans of a specific brand of

condensed milk is in a barrel, or how many boxes of a maker's

breakfast food is wedged into a telephone booth, etc. These are

90% luck, combined with an estimation of count.

Contests asking for the creation of slogans are always worked

out by the professional with the use of a dictionary. These

contests are the ideal ones to enter.

Contests in the field of photographs are both interesting and

profitable, so enter when you use the instruction and guidance

in this instruction text.

Contests for an essay as well as for word building are always of

keen interest to the professional. Instruction in this text

points the way to become a professional. With this set of

instructions to refer to as you tackle each contest, you should

have a far above average chance of being a top prize winner in

an extremely short period of time. Good luck.


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