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How To Select A Burglar Alarm

Published by FUN MATES PRESS



Burglars dislike noise - it attracts attention. A barking dog

is the best deterrent in preventing burglaries. However, a

watch dog cannot always be depended upon. Some professional

burglars have been know to carry delectable "dog snacks" in

their pockets - and with a full stomach, some watch dogs make

friends easily and forget their purpose of guarding the

premises. The most reliable safeguard to protect your home and

possessions is a reliable alarm.

Many types of burglar alarms can be obtained for residential

use. It is advisable, however, that basic hardware security

measures be followed first. If additional security is desired,

the following recommendations could be helpful:

1. Obtain estimates from three alarm companies, notifying each

of this procedure.

2. An audible alarm is recommended over silent alarms for

residential use in order to first protect persons and secondly,




Don't depend entirely upon an alarm system to protect you... be

sure to use proper locking devices. Any alarm system should


A. A battery-powered fail-safe back-up.

B. Fire-sensing capability

C. Read-out ability to check working of system.

D. Horn sounding device installed in attic through vent.

When shopping for an alarm system, take this list with you.




If the value of small personal items warrants protection, a

secondary barrier is an additional safeguard. On a hinging

closet door, install a 1" deadbolt lock. Store your jewels,

furs, cameras, guns, silverware and other valuables behind this

barrier. Be sure to "pin" the hinges.


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