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How To Remember Better




You've just called the TV repair shop and the voice on the other

end of the line tells you "This is Don Smith". About 5 minutes

later you tell your wife that "this guy" will be out to fix the

TV in the morning. You can't think of his name although you

know he mentioned it on the phone.

This happens all the time to just about all of us unless we have

learned to concentrate and implant the name in our memory right

at the time we hear it. To do this you first must make a habit

of repeating the name back to the person. This action will

remind you to store the name in your "Memory banks" each time

you hear someone's name, and, within a matter of a short time

the "repeating" process can be discontinued.

When you meet someone in person use the same procedure, and in

addition, visualize something different, unusual from the

ordinary, or "ridiculous" about their appearance, position, or

actions that "ties in" with their name. You may have to put the

descriptive information on one side of a card or piece of paper

and the name on the other side for a while until it is imbedded

in your memory permanently. Look at it repeatedly, see the

"picture" in your mind's eye as you look at the name, or when

you see the name visualize the "picture" you have assigned to

the name.

Getting this system to work will require certain changes in your

thinking and it may take several days or several weeks to become

proficient. After all, you have developed a "Bad Habit" over a

period of many years and it is difficult to turn it around


This method also works with anything else worth remembering, not

just names. When you have occasion to remember something, jot

it down and incorporate it into your list . . . No complicated

formula . . . Just a system that works with a little





As mentioned above a person may train their memory by

associating names with specific illustrations. This works just

as well with written information.

There are several key words or a key thought in each paragraph

of printed matter that can be associated with an illogical or

ridiculous illustration. It is much easier to remember and

recall ridiculous associations than it is to recall normal and

uneventful relationships.

As you proceed through any text choose one or several Key words

or key thoughts from each subject and relate the same to a

ridiculous cartoon or illustration. Actually "see" it in your

minds eye as it relates to the key word or key thought.

When you have occasion to remember a particular matter, the

"picture" should automatically appear to you and the entire

thought should be recalled. Be sure to SEE the ridiculous

picture associated with the printed matter you wish to recall.

As you proceed through a book, practice seeing a picture and

relate it to the key words or the main thought of the written

material. This method of learning should improve your ability

to retain what you read. With sufficient "practice" using this

method, many individuals will be able to develop a "photo-Type"


The Key to this memory system is to "see" the "picture" in your

"mind's eye". After you have practiced and mastered the system

and are able to get instant flashback recall you should be able

to read most any text material and visualize ridiculous pictures

to associate with the thoughts expressed in the printed


We suggest you prove this system to yourself. As you read the

first several pages of information, "see" a picture related to

the words or thought. It may be rather difficult to "see" at

first but by constant effort and concentration amazing progress

can be made. When you have seen the picture, just go on

reading the following subject matter and repeat the process.

Don't be concerned that you will forget the prior subjects!

They should remain imprinted on your mind and recalled later,

instantaneously and clearly.

After you have read several pages, recall the first few

"mind-pictures". If you originally "saw" the picture as related

to the key thought of the printed material, you should remember

the basic information.

Try it! It's interesting! After you have mastered this

learning system, it should be easy to file various programs away

in your memory and recall them as needed to progress in your

search for success.




The same system mentioned on the previous page may be used to

memorize a speech by linking a series of thoughts to a series of

ridiculous pictures in sequence.

Proper preparation of your speech is half the battle. Know you

subject thoroughly then make an outline for the introduction,

main body and conclusion. Start your speech with something to

startle your audience into complete attention such as a weird

statement or funny happening.

In presenting the main body of your speech get the confidence of

your audience by letting them know you know your subject very

well. Get your points across without argument.

In making your conclusion you can briefly sum up what you have

just stated then end with a big bang; recommending action your

audience should take or suggesting they change their viewpoint

on the subject etc.; finalize with a joke that fits the

circumstances, or powerful word pictures they will remember

after they leave the meeting.

Make your outline in large print with plenty of space between

lines so you will be able to look up without losing your place

on the sheets. Rely on your memory for the most important

points, including the opening and closing lines.

Practice your speech with a tape recorder and in front of a

mirror before the meeting. Work out any apparent speaking

problems or things that don't sound just right. Know what you

are going to do with your hands and determine the better body

movements to go with your personality. Continually make eye

contact back and forth across the room.

Take time to think before answering questions. If you don't

have the answer, ask another question, refer it to someone else

better qualified to answer, answer in general terms, or change

the subject (like politicians do) complimenting the person

asking the "impossible" question, or by telling a "clean" joke.


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