1001 Newbie
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101 High Profit Businesses YOU can start online with little or NO money

Internet Cash Machines
Shows you how to automate sales and checks to your account once it's setup


Email Marketing Strategies Revealed


eBay Marketing Secrets


Auto Responder Magic


Selfpublish at the Speed of Thought  


Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan


A Cheap And Easy Guide To Self-publishing eBooks 


The Ultimate eLibrary



How To Raise Up To $50,000 With Your Credit Cards

Millions of people have an assortment of credit cards in today's almost "cashless" society. With many bank credit cards, and even department store cards, it is possible to apply under the "same name" and obtain TWO OR MORE identical cards bearing only different account numbers. Given the high limits on cards such as American Express ($20,000) and others, it is a simple procedure to raise up to $50,000 by utilizing 30 to 40 credit cards, or less if you use American Express. With the bank cards, you simply obtain a "cash advance" up to your credit limit. With the American Express and Carte Blanche cards, you can charge some discounted merchandise such as gold coins and turn around and sell them at a premium to your friends, neighbors, etc. With enough cards, you can quickly turn any amount of discounted "merchandise" into cash.


Host your website and get a $10 per month rebate plus earn $10 a month for each site sold to others.
The monthly cost is only $24.95, which gives you 300 meg of space and free eBooks you can resell like E-Mail Marketing Strategies Revealed, eBay Marketing Secrets plus Internet Cash Machines. Also, if you sell a hosting site to anyone else, you get a $10 per month referral fee. These benefits make it easy to get your web site at no cost, or even a profit. Don't worry, you sell a lot of stuff on your own site with 300 megs of space.