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How To Protect Yourself On City Streets

Published by FUN MATES PRESS


Street crime is on the increase in most large U.S. cities. It

is also becoming more prevalent in small communities. The

following list of "safeguards" will help protect you - and may

even save your life!

1. When leaving home, make sure that all doors and windows are

locked - including the garage door.

2. Watch for loiterers and do not carry large sums of money.

3. If possible, travel with another person. This is especially

true after dark.

4. When carrying a purse, women should have only 3 or 4 one

dollar bills placed inside. Credit cards, currency, driver's

license, keys and jewelry should be carried in a coat or sweater

pocket or concealed on your person to reduce the opportunity of

large losses. If you do carry a purse, don't wrap the strap

around your shoulder, neck or wrist. If your purse is grabbed,

a strong strap will not yield easily and you may be injured.

Some purse-snatch victims have been thrown off balance and

received concussions, broken hips, arms or legs. Don't carry

anything more valuable than you can afford to lose. Always

leave all unnecessary credit cards at home. When you shop and

carry a purse, put it in your shopping bag.

5. At night, travel only well-lighted and well-traveled streets.

Avoid unlighted areas. Walk in the middle of the sidewalk and

never loiter in deserted areas.

6. Never hitchhike or accept rides from strangers.

7. Walk on the side of the street nearest to oncoming traffic.

If accosted by someone in a car, run in the direction opposite

the way the car is headed.

8. Beware of people who approach asking directions; keep a

polite but safe distance.

9. A good suggestion for men is to carry a second wallet

containing a few $1.00 bills and old expired credit cards, which

are normally destroyed or discarded. If confronted at knife or

gunpoint, give the suspect the second wallet and concentrate on

a good physical description to help the police in making the


10. Upon returning home, particularly after dark, do not linger

at the entrance of your residence. Make a quick check for mail

or newspapers, and enter immediately. If you feel something is

strange, don't enter but go elsewhere and call for police


11. If you feel someone is following you, go to the nearest

occupied residence or building, and ask for assistance.

If you are confronted with a dangerous situation, cry out for

assistance. Yelling "FIRE! FIRE!" instead of "HELP!" will

generally bring faster attention.

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