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How To Protect Your Valuables From Theft



One of the most effective tools you can use to retrieve property

stolen from your home is a simple electric engraving pen. With

this pen you can inscribe your name or a number on the most

valuable items in and around your home. Before you do this,

check with local police to see which they prefer you use - your

name, driver's license number, social security number or


Engraving your name or number on your valuables helps deter

robbery in two ways: First, you discourage the thief since

marked property is much more difficult to sell. Second, if a

thief does steal your property, it is much easier to catch and

prosecute him when he is discovered with goods in his possession

that are easily identifiable as stolen.

Billions of dollars worth of property stolen each year is never

returned to owners. Why? Because without some identifying mark

or number, the police are unable to verify stolen property, or

trace the owner. More than half the property recovered by the

police is eventually auctioned off or destroyed because the

goods have no identifying characteristics.

In some cities, local law enforcement agencies will lend you and

your neighbors an engraving pen free. In these communities, you

may borrow an engraving tool for several days. If this service

is not available to you, you can purchase an inexpensive

electric pen from your local hardware store for as little as $10

to $15. This small investment could be worth a great deal more

to you at a later date.

Items already marked with a serial number - such as cars, TV's,

cameras, typewriters, radios, stereos, tape decks, appliances,

etc. - may not have to be engraved with your name or personal

number. Check with local police first. If they recommend you

inscribe your identifying mark on serialized items, inscribe

this information just above the manufacturer's serial number.

On unserialized property, inscribe your name or number on the

upper right corner of the rear or backside of each item. Should

you decide to sell or discard the item at a later date, you

should invalidate your number by using the engraving pen or any

sharp tool to draw a single line through your name or number

form upper left to the lower right hand corner. Do not deface

your name or number in any other way. It is also advisable,

when selling "marked" property, to write out a simple receipt

and specifying on it that you were the previous owner and

indicate the name or number used by you. This could prevent

legal hassles for the new owner at a later time.

To protect smaller valuable items such as jewelry, silverware,

etc., it is wise to take a photo of each item. A simple,

instant-type camera photo is sufficient.

After you have marked and/or photographed all your valuables,

make a detailed list of these items and keep it in a safe place.

When new items are acquired, add them to your list. As other

valuables are sold or discarded, cross them off the list.

If you use credit cards, they should also be recorded on your

list. Either copy your account number from each card and

expiration date, or you can have photo copies made for your


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