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How To Prepare Camera Ready Copy For Offset Printing

"Camera ready" means just what it says. Your copy must be ready

for the printer to photograph. From this photograph, he prints as

many copies as you want. Don't expect him to shrink or enlarge

your copy, or any part of it. He can't, except by special

arrangement and extra expense.

Your copy must be pure black and white. In some cases a printer

can "shoot" other colors, but you're better off to check with him

first. Red ink on white paper is OK, as the camera sees red as

black. Use liquid paper to white out dirt, smudges, or anything

you don't want to show up. Don't erase. Leave at least 1/2"

margin around the outside edge.

"Half-tones" (pictures previously printed and composed of

hundreds of tiny dots to simulate grey areas) don't print too

well. Remember, the camera picks up exactly what it sees. It

will not clean up your sloppiness. You must be neat and clean.

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