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Internet Cash Machines
Shows you how to automate sales and checks to your account once it's setup


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How To Get Free Subscriptions To Magazines


There are a large number of "trade" magazines, journals, newsletters, and newspapers which are mailed absolutely FREE to interested firms and individuals who merely ask for them. There are no, of course, the common magazines you find on your local newsstand but they do offer much valuable reading.

To locate the names and addresses of magazines which offer free subscriptions, simply go to your library and ask the librarian for a copy of STANDARD RATE AND DATA. This book lists all trade magazines and specialty publications. It will also advise which magazines are "Controlled Circulation."

Any magazine stating it has "controlled circulation" normally indicated it is available free. All you have to do is write the magazine and ask them to place your name on the mailing list. Try to indicate interest or some connection in your occupation, or avocation with the subject matter of the magazine.


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