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How To Get Free Oil For Your Car

The secret for getting oil for your car either absolutely free, or at pennies per gallon, is to realize that OIL DOES NOT WEAR OUT, IT JUST GETS DIRTY! If you remove the dirt and other particles from the oil it will be like new.

How to make old oil like new:

Boil 4 gallons of old oil. Add 1 pint of liquid silicate of soda. Stir for 10 minutes then let it settle until the oil is clear. Remove the oil from the top. (Sediment and sludge will be at the bottom - avoid tipping the container to such an extent as to stir up the sediment.)

How to get old oil FREE. Go to the local filling stations, and quick oil change locations, and ask for their old oil. Usually you can have it for hauling it away. If you plan to sell the oil to others, offer to pay the station owner or manager 5 cents a gallon for the oil.

Furnish them with a steel drum to put the oil in. This will assure you of a steady supply.

Expanding your business: Write to HILLYARD CORP., 98 W. 4TH STREET, ELMIRE, NY for information regarding their automatic equipment that reclaims oil if you decide to develop your business on a larger scale. You may even consider renting garage space (there are lots of abandoned gas stations these days) and specialize in oil changes for a buck or two under the going oil change rates that are being charged locally. With oil prices at $1.00 a quart, it won't take long for you to build a fantastic business.


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