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How To Find A Missing Person

It is not always necessary to hire a private investigator to

search for a missing person. In fact, the time consuming task

of investigating a missing person can be done by almost anyone.

As long as a person understands and follows the procedure

provided herein, they can do the job of searching for a missing

person as well as a hired detective.

Before beginning, realize that you must maintain a detailed

record of your investigation. Keep this and copies of any

correspondence in a file.

Begin your investigation at the point where the subject was

last seen and radiate in ever-growing circles. When you come up

with a solid lead, your search will then go only in one


Contact the subject's immediate family very early in your

investigation. See if they have any ideas. From there you

should contact your subject's closest friends and then the


Now widen your search further by questioning other associates of

the subject, like the hairdresser, bartender, gas station

attendant or newspaper boy. These people must not be overlooked

as they are all sources of possible information.

More than likely, when you have completed the task of speaking

to all these people, you will have some good leads. But if you

wish to further the investigation, use as many of the ten

following sources as you need.



Send an envelope to the last known address of the missing

person, with your own in the upper left corner and write on the


forwarding address has been left, you will be notified of it.



By writing to the Court Clerk in the county in which the subject

was last known to reside, you can find out if the subject was

involved in any legal proceedings. There will be a small fee

for the search.



You can check with the telephone company to find out if the

missing person made any long distance calls just prior to

departure. You can check with the people called for any leads.



Request that a search of the department's files be done for the

missing person' driver's license as well as his/her address.

There will be a fee for this service and the missing person's

full name and date of birth are required to conduct the search.



Your local public library has a city directory which lists

people by name, address and occupation. They also have a cross

reference for phone numbers. Check back for several years,.



Voter registration records are open to the public and these

records show name, address and date of registration.



This county recorder records all types of legal documents, like

marriage certificates and wills. A letter to this office may

open up some leads.



This office is in charge of tax collection. If your subject

owns any property, he will be listed with this office.



If your subject owns a business he will have his license on file

with this office. Run a check on the name of the business and

the subject's name.



If the missing person is a member of any type of organization, a

letter of inquiry to the local chapter can be helpful.



Under certain conditions, the Social Security Office will assist

in locating a missing person. You must send a letter stating

your reason for wanting to find a person to the Department of

Health, Education & Welfare, Social Security Administration,

Baltimore, Maryland. They do not assist insurance companies or

bill collectors.

By going through the right channels, you can conduct your own

investigation for a missing person. Good luck and good hunting!

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