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How To Develop A Worldwide Distributor Network

When you select a product, your choice should be based upon your

knowledge of how and to whom you're going to sell. You may have

the greatest bargain in the world, but it will be of no value to

you if you don't know who's going to buy it, or how you are going

to get the word out about it.

The first rule of achievement of a fortune is to produce or buy

your product for pennies and sell for dollars. So after

preliminary market research to determine who'll buy your product,

the next question to answer is: How munch will the majority of

this market be willing to pay for your product?

For the sake of our discussion, let's say that you've written a

"How TO" manual on how to make $100,000 a year compiling and

selling mailing lists. You check with a number of printers and

get a production cost of $1.50 per book in lots of 1,000. You

figure that with sharp advertising, you can "sell a million" of

these books at $10 per copy, but that advertising will cost you

$1.50 per book. Thus far, the basic cost of your book is $3 per


Even though you will probably be the one selling most of your

books, you must realize that it will take you an awfully long

time to move out a million copies of this book. It will keep you

busy 25 hours a day, 8 days a week to do it all by yourself. So

the thing to do is recruit as many other people as you can to

help do the selling. This means setting up a dealer distributor


To do this, you must make it worthwhile for other people to sell

your product. You offer a percentage of the sales price to each

book they sell for you. Generally, this is about 50% for each

single copy sold; 60% when purchased in quantity lots of 25 to 99

copies; and 75% when purchased in lots of 100 copies or more. The

important thing is to shave your profits to a minimum when you

have other people doing the work for you.

Let's use, the, our example of a $10 book that costs you $1.50 to

produce in lots of 1,000. For people who buy from you in lots of

100 copies, you could cut your profit to $1 per book, sell it to

them for $2.50 per book, and let them do all the advertising, as

well as the selling. Don't offer more than 50% on single copy

dropship sales, because you'll have to furnish this type of

dealer with selling materials, and continue to do most of the

advertising yourself.

Setting up your distributor program will require advertising and

a sales kit for the sellers. Thus, you should make up a series of

"Dealers Wanted" ads and place them in as many different

publications as you can.

The national "opportunity" magazines are the best place to place

your advertising for dealers. Remember, the ad should be a call

for dealers, distributors and independent extra income seekers.

Do not try to sell your product in this ad. Use it only to enlist

or recruit people to sell for you. Remember too, the more you run

your dealers wanted ad, and the more different publications you

run it in, the more people you'll get to sell your product for

you. The easiest way to go is with "Dealers Wanted"

advertisements in as many worldwide publications as possible.

You'll lose your shirt attempting to recruit sales people via

direct mail, and you'll never make any headway with just a

"Dealers Wanted insert" in each book you sell. If you want sales

people, you must advertise for them.

To actually get these interested opportunity seekers to sell your

product for you, you'll need a dynamic sales letter and seller's

kit to send out in response to the replies to your advertising.

This kind of sales letter is usually four pages in length,

printed on 11 by 17 inch paper, to sell the prospect on the idea

of selling for you, use the amount of space and paper that's


If you've written sales letter properly, that's all there is to

it. Some people charge an "up-front" dealer's registration fee.

We don't recommend this, for a number of reasons--mainly because

it immediately eliminates a great many people who might want to

least try to sell the product for you, but are not willing to

"pay" to sell for you.

Some sellers charge $1 to $5 for details and complete dealership

set-up to offset the cost of the initial seller's kit and

postage. This is what we recommend at the start. If you offer

your program for nothing, you'll get as many responses from

curiosity seekers and opportunity collectors as from bona fide


If you charge for the dealership set-up, you should include a

sample of your product. For the more elaborate sales kits and

expensive products, most people ask for deposit, which is

refunded after a certain number of sales are made by the dealer.

Any charges more than $5 should not be mentioned in your "Dealers

Wanted" advertisements, but held over and fully explained in your


This is how you set up a dealer/distributor network: Get other

people to sell your product for you! You can, and should be

prepared from the start, before you place your first dealers

wanted ad, and proceed only as you can afford the advertising

costs from the profits of sales of your product.

It's simple, and it's easy, and, it can make your rich! You had

to have real interest to have ordered this report. We hope that

it has motivated you with the entrepreneurial spirit, and that

you act on it!

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