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How To Burglar Proof Your Windows

Many burglars enter homes by simply breaking glass windows. A

good deterrent is to have better quality glass installed at

vulnerable points around the perimeter of your residence. Most

burglars avoid attempting to break the following types of glass

due to the fear of attracting attention:

LAMINATED GLASS is made by a vinyl or plastic interlayer

sandwiched between two layers of glass. This type of glass adds

additional strength to your windows. To gain entry, a burglar

would have to strike the glass repeatedly in the same spot in

order to make a small opening. Most burglars are reluctant to

create this type of noise for fear of being detected.

TEMPERED GLASS is made by placing a piece of regular glass in an

oven, bringing it almost to the melting point, and then chilling

it rapidly. This causes a skin to form around the glass. Fully

tempered glass is four to five times stronger than regular glass.

WIRED GLASS adds the benefits of a visible deterrent. Extra

effort will be needed to break the glass and then cut through

the wire located within the glass, in order to gain entry.

PLASTICS: Plastic material is divided into two types: acrylic

or polycarbonate. The acrylics are more than ten times stronger

than glass of the same thickness and are commonly called

plexiglass. Polycarbonate sheets are superior to acrylics and

are advertised as 250 times more impact resistant than safety

glass, and 20 times more than other transparent plastic.



With SLIDING WINDOWS the primary objective is to keep the window

from sliding or being lifted up and out of the track. There are

many manufactured products available for securing windows. Here

are some of the suggestions:


that you lock a window in a ventilating position. This is an

invitation to a prying action which can result in entry. Key

locking devices offer no real security, and they can be a fire

exit hazard.

CASEMENT WINDOWS are the simplest to secure. Make sure the

latch works properly and that the "operator" has no excess play.

If so, replace the worn hardware.

DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW latches may be jimmied open. If a window is

not used, screw it shut (except bedrooms). For windows in use,

drill a sloping hole into the top of the bottom window, through

and into the bottom of the top window, and insert an easily

removable pin or nail.

LOUVRE WINDOWS are bad security risks. Remove and replace with

solid glass or other type of ventilating window. Or protect with

a grate or grille (except bedrooms).



WARNING: One window in every bedroom on the ground and second

floor must be left available as a fire exit, particularly for

children and guests in you home. At night, the bedroom window

may often be the quickest and safest means of getting out.

Because of the danger of fire, decorative grills are not

recommended on bedroom windows.


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