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Internet Cash Machines
Shows you how to automate sales and checks to your account once it's setup


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Establish AAA Credit In 30 Days


To work this plan you need at least $400 to begin. You should borrow this from your friends if necessary. Then go to a bank of your choice and deposit the $400 into a regular passbook savings account.

Wait a few days for the account to be posted and return to the bank to ask for a $400 loan - you offer the passbook as collateral. Since the bank is already holding your $400, you go to another bank open a savings account lending you another $400 and they won't even make a credit check. Then, with your borrowed $400, you go to another bank, open a savings account, return a few days later, borrow $400 from that bank using your passbook as collateral.

Then repeat the process at a third bank with your borrowed $400. Wait a few days to go to a fourth bank where you open this time a CHECKING account. Wait a few days and make a payment on each of the other three loans. A week later, make payments again on the three loans, and continue paying each week until you have almost paid off the balance.

A credit investigation at this point will show you with three active bank loans (which are considered hard to get), a checking account, and a paying history for the three bank loans - with you having paid up in advance. Thus, you have AAA credit in as little as 30 days. From here you go on to apply for loans, credit cards, and other items on credit.


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The monthly cost is only $24.95, which gives you 300 meg of space and free eBooks you can resell like E-Mail Marketing Strategies Revealed, eBay Marketing Secrets plus Internet Cash Machines. Also, if you sell a hosting site to anyone else, you get a $10 per month referral fee. These benefits make it easy to get your web site at no cost, or even a profit. Don't worry, you sell a lot of stuff on your own site with 300 megs of space.