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The Easiest Most Profitable Mail Order Business Of Them All


To be rich--to have an endless supply of money for anything and

everything--is the goal of almost every man, woman and child in

the world. More specifically, the people who don't have but would

like to have money enough for everything they've always wanted,

are continually searching for some "secret combination" that will

open the doors to unlimited wealth for them..

Sooner or later, these people all turn to mail order selling

and, one way or another, give it a try as a pathway to the

fulfillment of all of their dreams. And, why not..

They are constantly bombarded with "fabulous get rich quick"

opportunity offers in their mail boxes. In just about every

magazine they look at, full page advertisements promising UTOPIA,

Just for clipping and sending in the attached coupon, jump out at


Each and every one of these opportunity offers seems to promise

complete fulfillment of the readers "needs, wants and desires."

They all make it sound as if all one has to do is sign up--send

in a small fee--get the details--an explanation of the plan--an

almost immediately, their mail boxes will begin to overflow with

letters containing cash, checks and money orders. No big

investment--no business knowledge--and no work required..

My friend, all this is "advertising hype" designed to "lead the

reader into seeing and tasting" the fulfillment of all his

dreams. He's so overwhelmed by "the solution to his wants"

offered by the advertisement, and he reads "only what he wants to

read" in these opportunity offers. That's "Top-of-the-line"

copywriting, and worth it's weight in gold!

Disregarding the obvious "chain letter and envelope stuffing

schemes," these opportunity offers for "riches beyond your

wildest dreams," gives one of two money-making plans.

The first is some sort of "book of knowledge" written by

someone on typing ability but generally sadly lacking in the

experience of "having done it himself," and/or the ambition to

get away from his typewriter long enough to "make his own mint"

using the plan he's advising you to follow.

These writers tell you to "knock out" a how-to report about

something that you're an expert on--to run a low-cost classified

ad offering it for sale in a national publication--and then sit

back and let the money roll in..The thing is, what does a

shipping clerk, and engine lathe operator, or retail sales clerk

know that other people will pay money to learn?

Even if one of these people were to come up with a saleable

how-to report, where are they going to get "expertise" to write a

real order-pulling ad, and which national publication is the

"right one" for him to advertise in...The truth of the matter is

that very few, if any--shipping clerks, engine lathe operators,

or retail clerks--know the first thing about writing how-to

reports, composing classified ads, or placing advertising in

national publications...

In fact, the very idea of undertaking such necessities to

successful mail order selling--at the risk of losing a lot of

"hard-earned" money--is so frightening to so many people that

they never get beyond this part of the instruction sheet. And

most of those that do rely upon what they "think" they know about

writing how-to reports composing classified ads, and placing

advertising in national publication--would be much better off,

and receive a lot more value for their money, by spending it at

the neighborhood church or community center.

The other kind of money making plan these "dream fulfillment"

advertisements offer is a Super Profitable Mail Order Dealership

of your own..

You buy the book that explains all the procedures for making

millions via mail order...Included with your "book of knowledge,"

is a camera ready circular advertising this book--the same one

you sent for to make YOU rich--and a dealership instruction


This beautiful piece of sales copy explains how everyone in all

parts of the world is just waiting for the chance to buy a copy

of this book--after all-- you were eager to buy it, weren't you?

Thus, the instruction sheet goes on to explain, all you've got to

do is either order a supply of these circulars--at inflated

printing costs--or better yet, take the camera ready copy to your

near-by "quick-print" shop and have it reprinted with your

name/address on the order coupon. From there, you simply send

these circulars to waiting buyers, deduct 50% from each order you

receive--this is your gross income--forward the customer's name,

order and remaining 50% of the sales price on to the people you

bought your book from, and you're supposedly, home free!

Two very important factors of this plan must be considered

before anticipating any income..Profits have be weighted against

your costs of making each sale..But even before these factors can

be considered however, the prospective seller must be sure of the

"mass appeal" of the product he's about to offer, and precisely

his "available prospective customers." In other words, and in

case of a report or book, it's the "appeal of the title" and the

mailing list or number of opportunity buyers he can present his

offer to..These are the bottom-line factors that will decide

whether or not your efforts result in your pockets being filled

with profits or monthly payments and debt...

Assuming you've understood the theme of our discussion thus

far, you're probably thinking that "supply the needs of the mail

order sellers" is where all the big money is being made in mail

order. And, if this is the trend of your thinking, you're

absolutely right! It always has been, and it always will be your

bigger profit maker...

Thus, the easiest and most profitable mail order business is

supplying mail order sellers with mailing lists--the names and

addresses of people looking for money-making opportunities...

Unless a mail order seller has ready and dependable source of

fresh prospects--names and addresses--to send his offers to, his

business will soon wither and die. Every mail order seller in the

country needs constant supply of new names/addresses for his

business to grow and his profits to build. The need for, and the

demand for prospective mail order buyers is glutinous and

unlimited! All you have to do is organize your ability to supply

this need, and then turn contact mail order operators with your

program to supply them with new prospects.

You start with a basic supply of 10,000 names--we offer you a

basic supply of 10,000 names on plain paper masters, all set to

copy onto your own labels as often, and whenever quantities your

buyers request--for just $1.00...these are names and addresses of

our own customers--people who have spent anywhere form $2 to $850

for money-making reports, manuals and programs that we

offer...After more than 20 very successful years in business,

we've found that the more often a mailing list is used, the more

money the people that mailing list spend..

We run our own mailing list subscription service which brought

in more than $65,000 for us last year. Here's how we operate our

service, and recommend that you consider duplicating...

Each week, we send out sales letters offering our Mailing List

Subscription to mail order entrepreneurs across the country.

Basically, we're offering to supply them with a 100 names of our

buyers within the past week, on peel and stick labels, for $5 or

10- week subscription period $50.. 200 names for $9 or $90 for a

10-week subscription...300 names for $12 or 300 per week over a

10-week subscription for just $120...


Operationally, our girls type the names and addresses of our

customers from incoming orders onto "label masters" as they are

received...On Friday afternoons, these girls then photo-copy

these masters onto sheets of labels for our mailing list

subscribers, with never more than 12-subscribers receiving any

part of, or the same thousand names...

We generate orders--get our names--thou a number of different

methods. By far, most of the names come from the advertisement

below, which is run on a regular basis in a number of national


FREE! All-new home-based money-making opportunity! Send SASE


Of late, this small classified ad has been generating better

than 4,000 names per month for us. The report we send out is a

simple one-page instruction sheet explaining how anyone can make

extra money by saving, and selling, his in-coming mail. Along

with each of these reports we send out, we include a copy of out

Money Tree circular, and our mailing list subscription service

sales letters. In reply to this package, and average 3 out of 4

people send in to get in on the Money Tree Program, and/or

mailing list subscription service. From there, we just keep right

on going by setting these people as "independent commission sales

people" for our entire list of business success reports and

business start-up manuals.

The most important part of a Subscription Mailing List Service

is to have a good supply of names--a mailing list ready-to-use,

organized and on hand. As mentioned earlier, we feel you'll need

at least a basic supply of 10,000 names as a starter supply.

The next most important ingredient is your subscriber sales

letter. A copy of our current sales letter is included at the end

of this report. It pulls very well for us, as I'm sure it'll do

for you--but the important point here is an example of how to

write such a sales letter, as with a pattern in front of you,

perhaps you can write an even better one. You must have a sales

letter that appeals to the needs of your prospective buyer, and

at the same time, solves an outstanding problem for him.

The next thing is to get one of your letters out to all the

mail order sellers you know of, and/or can locate. Set up a

business plan--you will compile 1,000 mail order operators per

week, from incoming mail and advertisements you run across..List

these names on 3x5 cards, and arrange in zip code order so that

you have a record of who you've sent your offer to, and

then...Continue adding to this file of mail order people..Then

each week, get a thousand letters in the mail--100 or 200 letters

per week just won't pull in the orders fast enough for you--5,000

letters per week, and you'll soon be making $1,000 per week, over

and above printing and postage costs!

So, and as reiteration of what has been stated earlier, the

big-big money in mail order is, always has been, and always will

be made by those people with the "moxie" to supply the mail order

operators with the products and/or materials for them to operate

a by-mail business. After everything has been "torn apart and put

back together again," the bottom-line fact remains--The easiest,

and most profitable mail order business is mailing list supply


Everyone doing business by mail needs a mailing list of

prospects to whom he can send his money-producing offers. Every

mail order operator alive, and with the slightest bit of ambition

to make money, is constantly on the look-out for sources of fresh

names--prospects to whom he can send his offers. So long as

people continue to "sell by mail," there will be a demand for

mailing list!

Look at it mathematically: if you had 100 subscribers to your

mailing list service paying you just $10 per week, you'd be

grossing $1,000 per week! Just 10 subscribers give you $100 per

week--20 subscribers, $200 per week--and from there, you're

limited only by your efforts to bring in new subscribers..When we

started our service, we sent 1,000 sales letters the first week,

and from those first letters, we came up with 25 subscribers with

5-days...Needless to say, we continued to build our subscriber

list and can truthfully say that this particular division of our

business is not only the easiest to operate, but very definitely

the most profitable of our entire operation!

Once you've got your mailing list service established, it's

only natural that your should "add to it, or have something else

to go along with it brings in additional money." Keeping the

thought in mind, of supplying the needs of people hoping to

become rich via mail order selling, we think the logical addenda

or extra service to a mailing list service is the furnishing of

"original business success reports" that can be

reprinted/reproduced and sold by your mailing list subscribers!

From there, it's only natural that you become a "business

opportunity book dealer or seller."

Riches beyond your wildest dreams, via mail order, are entirely

possible and waiting for you--provided you have your "finger on

the pulse" of the market, and a business plan that will enable

you to attain total success. Most opportunity offers costs you

money, a lot of your time, plus that even a "work-acholic" would

shy away from, and they deliver only enough income to keep you

"reaching" for the brass ring, untold frustration and


There are secrets in mail order--Number One, an ability to

analyze and understand the market...Number Two, the ability to

select and offer the right product at the right time--Number

Three, an ability to write advertisements and get it in front of

the majority of your potential buyers...

Wishing you the greatest of success in all your money-making

efforts, the only thing left is for you to read over the

instructions as presented herein, get organized with your own

program, and start selling it. Everything worthwhile takes a

little bit of time to organize; a little bit of money to get

started; and a little bit of work to "push it thou to total

success," but of all the money-making possibilities you've ever

been offered this one can definitely be the easiest and most

profitable for you! Take care, and let us hear from you as you





100 names-all less than 30-days old-on peel & stick labels just

$5.. A six week subscription -100 names per week on peel& stick

labels-just $25 100 names-all less than 30-days old-on plain

masters, ready for copying onto your own labels-just $4.. A six

week subscription-100 names per week on plain paper masters-just

$20... 200-names-all less than 30-days old-on peel & stick

labels-just $9... A six week subscription-200 names per week on

peel & stick labels-just $50... 200-names all less than 30-days

old-on plain masters ready for you to copy unto your own

labels-just $7... A six week subscription-200 names per week on

plain paper masters-just $40... 300 names all less than 30-days

old-on peel & stick labels-just $12 A six week subscriptions-300

names per week on peel & stick labels-just $70...300 names less

than 30-days old- on plain masters ready for you to copy unto

your labels-just $10 A six week subscription-300 names on plain

masters-just $55... 500 names-all less than 30-days old-on peel &

stick labels-just $22.50.. A six week subscription-500 names per

week on peel & stick labels-just $120...500 names- all less than

30-days old-on plain masters ready for you to copy unto your own

labels-just $15... A six week subscription-500 names per week on

plain paper masters-just $75 1,000 names-all less than 30-days

old-on peel & stick labels-just $40 A six week subscription-1,000

names on peel & stick labels-just $225 1,000 names-all less than

30-days old-on plain paper masters ready for you to copy unto

your own labels-just $25... A six week subscription-1,000 names

on plain paper masters-just $150... ****Additional thousands on

peel & stick labels, just $25 per thousand....Additional

thousands on plain paper masters, just $15 per thousand...

Remember, these are NOT names we've traded for, or compiled from

the telephone book, or purchased from some other publisher,

mailing list brokers or mail order dealer! These are

names/addresses of people who have sent money in to us within the

last 30-day period for advertising orders, self-improving tapes,

and business opportunity dealerships. Our girls compile these

lists fresh every week, from our incoming mail. These are the

hottest, most responsive names-mailing lists-you'll find


Indeed, this is a special service that until now has been offered

only to those subscribers and association members; but we've had

so many requests from "beginning extra-income seekers" wanting to

get started with only a few hundred names per week that we've

just recently expanded our mailing lists subscription service to

accommodate the small, and beginning mailer. After all, you'd

have to be spending a lot of money on postage alone to send out

1,000 names per week.

I urge you to give our mailing list subscription service a

try...I know you'll want to renew, and keep those orders with

cash, checks and money orders coming in on a regular basis...

Even with the "increased moving around" of people looking for

work these days--we guarantee our lists to be 93%

deliverable...And to back-up this guarantee, whenever you get

back an offer you've sent to a name on one of our mailing lists

marked "undeliverable" by the post office, just send that

envelope on to us and we'll replace that name and address with a

fresh name and address...

The bottom line of this offer is simply this. No longer do you

have to buy more names than you can use at prices that would make

your ancestors turn over in their graves--Now you can subscribe

to a regular mailing list service of fresh names--all less than

30-days old, most less than 10-days old-proven mail order buyers,

in the amount you can best handle according to your mailing

plans, and at prices that allow you a margin for real profits!

You'll be receiving fresh mailing list via First Class Priority

Mail every week, with Monday Postmark!


Let us start the orders rolling in for you--help you to put Real

Money in your pockets! Select the mailing list program that best

suits your needs--and affordability--and get your subscription

check to us today!

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